Cross Country

On Thursday we did Cross Countrey I think I tried my hardest and my best.  I did really well because I came 5th and I got into Hauraki plains!!!  I found it really hard to do this because  I am not really good at long distance. I really enjoyed it even though I don't really like cross country. Cross Country got postponed because of level 2 so we did it on the domain in Ngatea. I think this year was my best year of doing cross country. This year I participated in the NPS Cross Country held at school on the Ngatea Domain.  I ran in the 9-year-old age group.

I am most proud of me coming 5th in my age group  

I think my effort towards our training at school was good because I felt like I didn’t try my hardest but still tried  

I showed the Learning Power of Resilience by keeping on going even though I was tired and saw




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