Athletics Day

 Yesterday it was athletics day and I did very well. I did  60,100, and 200 meters in heats and made it into the finals for all of them!!! I liked 60mts because I am good at sprints and so it was easy for me. I loved 100mts because it was longer and harder because I was in a race with Emily and Imogen and they are really fast. 200mts  was the hardest because it was the last race and so my legs were saw and I was really tired. I also did 800mts and it was optional and I wanted to give it a go and I ended coming FIRST!!! I was so proud of myself. I didn't know what I came in the long jump but I think I did well and I came 4th in shotput and Lara and I had to do a throw off because we were tying but then she won. The most challenging thing was 800 mts because I am not really good at long-distance and so I was really really proud of myself. I felt nervous before my race because I didn't know how it'll end. I think I used all my learning powers because I had to keep trying and believing myself so I could do it.            


  1. This is really good Marley I love the part were you believing your self!

  2. Tu - Meke for pushing yourself too do something different then the usual 100 meters. KA PAI :D

  3. marley that is so good and you are so fast

  4. This is karawe I hope you had some fun! and you did super good at athletics coming first!

  5. You did awesome as well!!! karawe to you to.


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