My Skink

So yesterday, I was wandering along the deck, and then my sister said: "don't move!"  I looked, as in 'what do you mean?'  Then she said "a skink" and I thought 'OMG how amazing to have a baby pet skink!'

I picked it up and then lost it.  My mum picked my hair up, and the skink fell from my hair into my t-shirt.  I picked it up, then went into the house and got the old cinnamon container to put it in. Then I called Madeleine, and we were so happy that I found a skink.  We named the skink Merlin after Marley and Madeleine.

I have already had a skink pet before, and I had an old fish tank as a home for it.  I think it makes a perfect home for a pet skink. 


  1. Wow Marley, I love all the effort that you put into that story about how I found the skink and you picked it up and kept it. Nice job!

  2. I can't wait to meet Merlin after all of this! It is soo cool you can keep it in your room!


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