
Showing posts from August, 2020

Clockwise and Anticlockwise

The week for math investigation we did Clockwise and Anticlockwise. we had to do our Math Mahi before we could start math Investigation.  I had really enjoyed this week's task because it wasn't too hard or too easy. I got confused because of the anticlockwise with to spider. because It looked  different  to the others.    

Whetu Workshops

  WhetÅ« Workshops Reflection During Term 2 and 3 the WhetÅ« students have had the opportunity to be involved in a range of different workshops. The workshop that I have enjoyed participating in the most has been rad rhythm and bean growing. I really enjoyed bean growing because I really like being in the garden and breathing fresh air.  and I really like rad rhythm because my dad is a music teacher and teaches me how to play and stuff.   The new learning that I have learned is how to make a pom pom and shape it into a bird and I have also learned how to grow a bean and not to overwater it and how to take care of plants and germination.     What I have most enjoyed about the workshops are learning and experimenting and working with new and different people that I don’t really know and work with.   I am interested in learning more about is aromatherapy because my mum inspired me to do this how she is always making stuff for us. 


 This term art we did pop art Kiwiana theme pop art and I did the Four-square logo. It took time and patience to do this. I tried not to talk to the people around me but I think I did well. I really like what it came out looking like, I think my results are 7/10 because I kind of rushed it at the last minute and also I think I left some white spaces.    

Should animals be in Zoos???

 This is our inquiry!!! The big question was "Should animals be kept in zoos". We had to choose if we thought if animals should be kept in zoos or not! I think not because reason one Animals should not be on display for the enjoyment of humans. Reason two Some times it affects animals' physical and emotional health. Reason three animals get really scared with people banging on the glass and also I just think they should be in their natural habitat living free and wild.             

Cooking comment

 This week I chose to join the cooking workshop option. On the first day, we went through the safety rules and learned what to do and what not to do in the kitchen. We planed the recipe and what to bring so we can cook and make the soup so we can eat it.   On the second day, we propped our food and got ready to cook the food to get ready so we can put the food/veggies in and cook them the next day. I forgot to bring some veggies and so I helped Izzy cut her onion.  On the third day, we put the veggies into the pot and put the OXXO into the pot to get more flavor in the soup.  We got to eat the soup and have bread with the soup to dip the bread into the soup.  The part I liked the most was eating the soup and dipping the bread into the soup.          

Cross Country

On Thursday we did Cross Countrey I think I tried my hardest and my best.  I did really well because I came 5th and I got into Hauraki plains!!!  I found it really hard to do this because  I am not really good at long distance. I really enjoyed it even though I don't really like cross country. Cross Country got postponed because of level 2 so we did it on the domain in Ngatea. I think this year was my best year of doing cross country.  This year I participated in the NPS Cross Country held at school on the Ngatea Domain.  I ran in the 9-year-old age group. I am most proud of me coming 5th in my age group   I think my effort towards our training at school was good because I felt like I didn’t try my hardest but still tried   I showed the Learning Power of Resilience by keeping on going even though I was tired and saw        

My Freak Out Scale

  This is my freak out scale. Because we are reading a book called wink, and it's about a boy Ross who gets a really rear eye cancer.   So you step on to the scale and it tells you how much you are freaking out.  I wanted to think about what types of scales there and then I thought about the scale that you stand on and it tells you your weight and so I made a scale of 1 to 10 on how much you are freaking out. I think this is a supernova because it took a lot of work and a lot of design and changing stuff and that.      

Whetu Challenge

This week our Whetu Challenge was to try to create the same to a cartoon character and we had to work in our constellation group. Who is in my constellation group is Desmond Johan Kingston Izzy and Daris. I did Patrick from SpongeBob and I  think I tried really hard because it looks kind of similar to the real one. My favorite group was probably the Kermates because I liked all of the detail they put in and also how they laid it out I thought that was pretty cool.    

Literacy Rahu


TT Rock Stars

On Friday last week, I got up to a ROCK LEGEND and I am so proud of my self. My time now is 1.96 and my first time was 7.59 so I think that I improved a lot over time.