Fun things in Whetu!!

Week 4, Term 1, 2021 The most interesting/fun thing we have done during class time this week is writing poems with Miss Mac because I like to write and I also like to be independent. We started our art this week and I have chosen to do art with Miss Mac. Our art is going to be... AMAZING!!! Because I really like to collage and to cut out things and also like to draw something to do with animals! We created our Whetū stars on Thursday and they look Awesome because my mum/ Hayley came to help me. I thought this was really fun and creative. I also thought that the time to do it was cool because my mum is a lawyer and she wouldn't have been able to come. Next week we have our school swimming sports. I am feeling so nervous because I feel like I am a good swimmer but I don't like to compete. But the good thing is that I will be with my friends!