
Showing posts from February, 2020

Constellations Chapter Challenge

This is my week 5 chapter challenge I did it with Lily and we did research center and researched about constellations.  We did some research and put it on a doc and printed it out and then stuck a Mikeyway on it. By Marley

chapter challenge/Train

Alyssa and I made a train for chapter challenge. We  made  it  out of  cardboard and popsicle sticks.  It was a bit challenging because the cardboard would not stick together. Alyssa and I got some facts off google and put them into our own words. We had fun doing this challenge.          

Visual pepeha star

Over the last week, I have been working on my visual pepeha. I am proud of my coloring and effort I put into my pepeha to make look unique.  What I found challenging was trying to place my pepeha and my star together because I got all sticky and gross.      I worked with my dad, Jessie, Lola, and her mum to create my whanau star.                            

Marley's first blog post 2020

Something that has surprised me this week that Mrs. Coles came into our class she said that because we gave her chocolate she had chocolate for us. The activity I have enjoyed the most this week is doing the water activates because it was a really hot day and it felt refreshing.  What I am most looking forward to this year is spending time with my friends because I haven’t seen them all holiday and I like to play with them.    Someone who has helped me so far is when we were making our blogs my year 6 buddy Lily helped me make my blog.