
Showing posts from October, 2020

Letter of the week

 We had to letter of the week because it is a must-do on Whoogle!!! Letter of the week is a thing on Whoogle where you have a letter to do per week and you have to have a common noun, proper noun, a verb, an adjective, an onamatapaya, a four-letter word, 2 that rhymes with a word starting with whatever the letter is, a word that ends with the letter, double letter word, and a sentence 


 Our class is doing Whoogle and one of the tasks on there was about police officer careers!!!! I really had fun doing this because I don't really have much experience with police officers or career. We had to write about what we must have to enter the career, about the pay, about what you will do in the job, career opportunities, training and we could add a picture of anything to do with the police career.    

Lifting fingerprints

   Rub your finger/ thumb in your hair and then press your thumb on the window. Next, you get a brush and put the slightest bit of fingerprinting dust on it and dust where you put your fingerprint. Then you get some tap and try not to get your other fingerprints on it and put the tap on the fingerprint and press on the fingerprint and take the tap off. P.S put it on a piece of black paper if you want.       


Our class is learning how to do fingerprinting for our crime scene. We all get our fingerprints when our mums are 16 weeks pregnant. There are three most common types of fingerprints they are Loops, Whorls, and Arches. I have 8 loops 1 arch and 1 whorl. We had to roll our fingers on an ink pad and then roll our fingers on the piece of paper. I gets real messy. We can also put some dust on a window or something and press your finger on the dust and then get a gelatin clear card and stick it on the finger/dust/window and get a roller a roll it on the gelation card. police also put a number and an arrow to make sure how to identify it and also to show what way is up and which way is down.         

Whetu Case 2020

 This term when we came back my class found out that there was a crime scene in our class. There were some missing milky ways and some were scattered all over the floor and one of them was open and empty. We had to FREEZE CONTROL and PRESERVE the scene. while we were doing that we had examine it at we had to write down what we saw and draw a sketch of the crime scene. I saw drivers Licence, a lot of blood, a smashed vase, blood tissue, a mug, muddy footprints, a pink scrunchie, and an NPS brown pen.  Our group name is Justice squad!!!